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“We must drink as we pour.”

-Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

For as long as I can remember, I have been a seeker and connector. I am a highly-sensitive and intuitive empath, and over the years, have learned to deeply honor both my extroverted and introverted sides.

After ten years of working within the hospital system, I began to feel stagnant and stifled in my career. I felt ready to shift into the freedom and autonomy of private practice, and knew in my heart that I could serve more powerfully from that space.   
I LIVE FOR SOUL-TO-SOUL CONNECTION: Connection to our families and chosen communities. Connection to our place in nature. Connection to our ancestors and guides. Connection to ourselves. 

I believe we are made for healing and growth until we take our last breaths, and I wanted to create a sacred space for all of it: Our gifts, healing, expansion, and connection. 

I’m so glad you’re here. 

welcome dear one, 
I'm Meghan!

I believe in our strength.
I believe in our creativity.
I believe in our innate worthiness.
I support women in returning to themselves. And through this returning, they heal and transform every area of their life:​ mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, environmental, social, sexual, financial, and professional.

We want to return to play.  
We want to return to ease.  
We want to feel abundance. 
We want to live deeply ENRICHED and BALANCED lives. 

I am a firm believer that women are the true change makers in our world. When women RISE- when we have access to abundance and resources- those very resources FLOW OUT into our partnerships, our families, our communities, and to the greater collective. 

let's begin

My deepest intention for our time together
is that these statements will not only be
in deep resonance with you- you will EMBODY them:

I live a life of deep purpose

I see through a lens of fierce love

I prioritize what truly matters to me

I offer deep presence to those I am with

I am worthy to receive

I give myself permission to feel joy

I make decisions with clarity and ease

I welcome and invite stillness

I radically care for myself

I celebrate my body

I handle conflict with grace

I welcome transformational shifts

My unique approach is centered on rediscovering balance and reconnecting to your inner wisdom. 

Honor your cycles of doing and being | masculine and feminine  

Cultivate inner peace and connection

Reconnect with your creative and artistic passions

Take purposeful action toward what is most aligned for YOU

learn more

2) I have traveled throughout the US and abroad working for over a dozen nonprofits. 

3) Dancing fuels my soul~ from outdoor concerts to kitchen dance parties. 

welcome in-

this embodied life

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